About Us

About Us

During the recent times, with persistent efforts, DermaSpace Skin Clinic has become one of the most trusted skincare clinics in India. The aesthetically designed modern and spacious clinic has an elegant interior and refreshing ambience to give you a relaxing experience.

DermaSpace was initiated with the aim to provide world-class dermatological services through genuine and up-to-date solutions for all kinds of skin, nail and hair treatments, identifying all age groups from newborns to elderly ones.

The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and is undertaken by the team of highly qualified, experienced doctor and therapists who leave no effort in diagnosing the problem and coming up with best-fit options. Such research-based treatments help our team assess whether one needs just prescription based home treatment or an advanced one. Once the treatment begins, we monitor the progress, treat the current concerns and advise how to care for skin in the future. These advanced and non-surgical aesthetic therapies ensure to give one’s skin a rejuvenated look and feel.

Recognizing the importance of preventive measures in the maintenance of healthy skin, we also provide complete dermatology care including personal consultation, quick appointments, advanced treatments, exceptional and fast treatment results. If you would like to find out more about our clinical, cosmetic or premium dermatology services, treatments, you can book an appointment with our expert dermatologists now.

Our Doctor

With people getting more and more conscious about the looks as well as their health, the necessity of dermatology is growing with each day passing. Dr. Sonal Bansal is a passionate Dermatologist who has taken a special training in Cosmetic procedures and has gained 12+ years of work experience in the out-patient... Read More

Our Journal

If you’re interested in a wide range of medical topics, these blogs are worth checking out. They’re also great for those who want to be more informed about health, but have difficulty figuring out where to start.
Tips to take care of your skin and hair in Monsoons
Monsoons are here and with them they bring a lot of joy and cheer. What is an (un)necessary evil is the humidity which tags along. It tends to clog pores lea...
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How to deal with hair fall
What hurts more than a heart break? Hair fall….. It’s a joke but try telling that to a person who’s having hair fall. Males and females both suffer from this...
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Botox and Fillers
Let’s talk about Botox and fillers today and bust the common myths surrounding them. Botox is a neurotoxin which temporarily relaxes the muscles. It is commo...
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