Who doesn’t want a bright face, full of with self-esteem and confidence? However, your one glance at the mirror can bring that confidence down if you have acne or its scars.

What are Acne Scars? How do people get Acne Scars?

Scars are basically the traces of inflamed blemishes caused when the skin pores get dominated by the bacteria, dead skin cells and excessive oil. The intensity of the scars depends on the severity of the acne a person has suffered from before. Touching or poking the acne no matter how small or big it is can result in scarring after it heals. The marks lead to depressions on the affected regions and make the face and body look extremely dull and damaged.

What are the different types of acne scars?

There are two major types of acne scars:

  • Depressed Acne Scars– Depressed scars are the most common kind of scar seen in humans. They are deep-pitted and are caused by inflammatory acne. Depressed scars are further classified into three types- Rolling Scars, Boxcar Scars, and Ice Pick Scars.
  • Raised Acne Scars– Raised acne scars are not as commonly seen as depressed scars. They are much more prominent and require a tough treatment procedure. They are mostly small/big bumps. The two most common types of raised acne scars are: Keloid Scars, Hypertrophic Scars.

What Acne Scar Treatment Options Are Available?

Ignoring the skin blemishes leads to scars getting worse with passing time as the pits tend to get deeper. To prevent further deterioration of the existing acne scars, visit the Dermaspace clinic in Gurgaon where we analyse the intensity of people’s respective acne scars and suggest suitable treatment. The common treatments for Acne Scars are as follows:

  • Laser Resurfacing– In Laser Resurfacing, intense laser beams are directed towards the affected skin, leading to collagen remodelling which fill up the scars.
  • Chemical Peels– Chemical peels is an acid based liquid which is applied to the face in order to wipe out the pits region. They eliminate the outer layer and promote the formation of fresh and blemishes free skin.
  • Dermal Fillers– Dermal Fillers are natural substances that are injected into the skin to plump or add volume to the area which has depression or pits.

How much does it cost to eliminate Acne Scars?

The cost of the Acne Scar treatment entirely depends on the intensity and severity of the mark. Even if the scars are severe, we at Dermaspace make sure to take the treatment into consideration the patient’s needs.